The Code Registry

The Code Registry is the world’s first AI-powered code intelligence and analysis platform, designed to safeguard and optimize software assets for businesses. By providing an independent, secure replication of code repositories and delivering in-depth analysis and reporting, The Code Registry empowers business leaders and senior IT experts to manage their development teams and software budgets more effectively. With a focus on security, efficiency, and transparency, The Code Registry is setting a new standard in code management and analysis. Our code intelligence platform is designed specifically for the needs of business leaders and senior IT professionals who manage and rely on their business software. Know Your Code™

Customer segments

Large = 2,000+ employees Mid-Market = 100-1,999 employees SMB (Small Business) = 0-99 employees

Technology Alliance

Azure DevOps GitHub

Social media



646 Germantown Pike Lafayette Hill
Philadelphia, 19444 United States
Phone: +1 888 556 0176


646 Germantown Pike Lafayette Hill
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19444 United States
Phone: +1 888 556 0176


Office Locations URL:

The Code Registry Worldwide




